
You seem to have a very expansive definition of “open space.”There also seems to be a questionable assumption that without Gateway there would be no development whatsoever in these “open …

It’s just for leverage in negotiations, if it comes to that.

The Gateway Plan has been a significant focus accross multiple elections at this point. Good on them for remembering who elected them, and that the Arcata1 crowd represents a vocal …

Are we to believe that the “community benefits” being negotiated on behalf of specific stakeholders is anything less than bribery payouts (hush money) to quiet the opposition and facilitate the …

A lot of these elite school administrators have been groomed from the time they were in college by a cabal of coconspirators who revel in the opulent, down stream riches …

Moot: open to discussion, subject to debate, disputable, debatable.Merriam-Webster

No Sally, there will be no new houses in Arcata. The schools want all of the new apartment building owners to chip in for the stuff districts will need to …

Interest rates are controlled in large part by the federal reserve. The current chairman of the federal reserve was nominated by the orange menace.

Seems like a lot of people on here aren’t as good at math as they are following spoon-fed YIMBY talking points. A real estate investment group can make up that …

And wetsuit-cold.

Does he own goats?Roflmao

There will be no houses or mortgages. The city considers houses sprawl and homeowner equity a thing of the past. 99% of this development will be multifamily income properties for …

WHY are we continuing to employ people like Rees as law-enforcing officials?! This is so sickening, and just plain stupid! no person with any racial/cultural/religious prejudice should have access to …

Are the turbine blades that have to be buried so the fiberglass doesn’t harm us still environmentally friendly? At the end of their life of course.The turbines will probably affect …

Because the U.S is a bully.

Offshore wind will be good for the corporations that own it.

Research shows that corporate profits account for more than 50% of inflation. If Biden went after corporations for price gouging, all of you would be screaming that he’s anti free …

It’s also dark and dreary and paving over open space to create income properties for private equity and real estate investment trusts. Arcata is already walkable, but probably won’t be …

Heard that 73% of legal grows did NOT renew their permits. That right there is huge. Should’ve been fair and honest from the get go. They essentially killed the biggest …

Loya is a Danco tool. The only person left on his “Planning Commission” from when he fed the townspeople this garbage plan 2 years ago is Dan Tagney. The rest …

Heck no, with out our EC all my family outside this state would soon find themselves living in a fascist dictatorship. Of course that might happen anyway…I’d rather see TX …

The irony is cacophonous.We have the progressives against all progress accompanied by the environmentalists against the most environmentally-friendly housing: dense, multi-family units in walkable neighborhoods.

They both support corporate interests, just different ones. Trump is dirty industries and polluters, and Joe is death and liars. They both are engaged in a war on the middle …

What would you do with a ton of money? Specifically?

How sad. The mad river looks too swift to be in I can’t imagine Trinity looking better.

The solution is the Country of California, with the fifth largest economy in the world.

His son in law got over 2 billion dollars from Saudi Arabia as they left the White House. Complete self serving corruption.

tRump’s answer to COVID , bleach and disinfectant a complete corrupt idiot.

Why was trump fucking a porn star and other women and lying about it. Why did he and his family enrich themselves off of his Oval Office. Biden is not …

Hey Trump! The worst lies are the lies you tell yourself.

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